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02 August 2022

So what is a unilateral exercise?

Simply put, unilateral training is any form of movement that trains one limb at a time, rather than both arms or legs simultaneously. Common examples are split squats, single-arm pressing and rowing, single-leg Romanian deadlifts, and pistol squats.

There are numerous benefits of unilateral training, ranging from improving core stability to decreasing your risk of injury.

Although, one of the main benefits is the correction of muscle imbalances! By training one side at a time, will help the body strengthen both sides equally which will overall stop the body compensating for a weaker side during activities and movements. 

Overall, unilateral exercises can be very effective to build muscle, increase strength, strengthen both sides of the body equally and to take your training to the next level. Before adding or changing anything in your current exercise routine, be sure you are confident with the exercise technique.

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