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Checking Weight


24 August 2022

Fat loss can be confusing! 

There are many influencers online giving advice on how to lose body fat and weight. A good percentage of them are giving out false information for people to follow in their day to day life. 

They are promoting things like:

- Juice Diets

- Removing a macro-nutrient from a diet

- Severe calorie restriction

- Fasting for long periods of time 

and many more! Usually they are promoting these diets to make money or to grow their social media following. I'm sure if you have followed one of these methods above, you have not stuck with it. All these can lead to feelings of  constant hunger, low energy levels, feeling tired and overall just not feeling good. These diets are just not sustainable!


The Best Diet Is One You Can Stick To


Now remember, fat loss is not easy! There are various things that need to be considered and carried out to achieve fat loss but here are 3 simple tips to get you heading in the right direction. 


  1. Find out your TDEE 

TDEE stands for your Total Daily Energy Expenditure. This is simply how many calories your body needs to consume to maintain weight. There are numerous ways to find out your TDEE, a simple way could be to find an online TDEE calculator.


2. Put yourself in a calorie deficit

A calorie deficit is where you consume fewer calories than your body expends. This can be by increasing your physical activity level, eating fewer calories or even better a bit of both! Don't drop your calories too much as this will hinder progress and cause you to feel too hungry. Set yourself a realistic deficit that you can stick to! Around 200-500 Kcal deficit per day could be a good place to start. See what feels sustainable for you!


3. Track your calories 

To know if you are hitting your daily calorie goal it is best to keep some form of calorie counting. This can be done through a simple food diary or tracked on an app like MyFitnessPal. You can still eat foods you enjoy, just make sure you don't go over your daily limit. Remember if you do we are only human! Don't give up and get back on track the next day. One day will not lose all of your hard work.


As i have mentioned above, there are numerous factors that are involved whilst trying to lose fat but here are just 3 simple steps that can get you started. 


If you would like help to lose fat and keep it off then get in touch today for your free consultation. 








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